Remember when we use to battle with our Pokemon cards and we would have to keep track of our health or power status? There are new trading cards out that will actually keep track of it for you. When you stack the cards, they will actually do all the work, the base card is your player card, and when you get attacked, you will place the action card on top of yours which will change the status of your player card. Can you imagine how much money this would make if it were Pokemon cards back when we were into that? I would be going ballistic for these cards! This new invention is such a great idea, because not only do people want to have these awesome cards, but people collect trading cards. So people won't just be buying only one of these cards, they will be buying a ton of them! Also, if this catches as much as Pokemon did, then all the kids will want some, and then their friends will want them so they can battle too. The new twist on trading cards, is brilliant. People with the old cards won't be able to battle against the newer cards, so they will have to buy them too. I think this idea will definitely make a lot of money if kids catch on to it and like it.
How could this new card technology affect older cards positively and negatively?
This could affect the older cards by decreasing their popularity. The decrease in popularity though, could one day increase their value. The increase in value would come from the newer cards being more popular. Since everybody will have the newer cards the older cards won't be as easy to find.
This new way of trading cards reminds me of the show YU-GI-OH so much because they pretty much used the same method to 'duel'. I think this new technology will appeal to many little kids who are still interested in trading cards such as pokemon. Those card companies will see a drastic change in the demand for their cards. This will help the trading card world in many ways.
This is the most awesome thing I've ever seen. You're right, if this existed back in the late 90's/early 2000's, kids would go insane. If kids get into this it could be incredibly successful, but people who still want to collect cards for their value could get excited about this too. And like you said, it would make their old cards more valuable.
I find that this is a decade late. The amount of people playing card games has decreased vastly and focus has shifted to online games that represent card games or other flash based games. Why go out and spend all the money on cards when you can just use your existing internet connection and play online against a computer or real people when ever you want to? I find this is an attempt at a gaming card stimulus package or just a product put into a dieing market.
I agree with Matthew. I can remember playing with my Pokemon cards but then I got a Gameboy Color, and played the game version on that. The idea of playing cards is becoming quickly extinct to me besides some sort of creepy old collectors. The updated version might be a kind of cool idea but it's really outdated. Why would you play this when you can play Pokemon or YuGiOh on your Wii or PS3? The competitive market of gaming is now dominated by the virtual/video technology, hands on is just not where it's at.
This is a very valid point. I think the new card technology, is just an attempt to bring cards back since they are so outdated by online games and video games. I'm assuming that kids now day are more into video games than collecting cards. It makes more sense, since we grew out of cards and grew into our Gameboys.
Like it has been said above, I think the hands on gaming is kind of outdated. That being said, people still playing cards have been doing it a specific way the whole time they've been using them. People who still play Pokemon with the old cards do it because it's what they used to do when they're older. And just like kids who play with outdated game consoles, playing with old Pokemon cards is usually done for the notion associated with them. This technology takes all of that away and does it for you.
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