Monday, October 31, 2011

3rd Quarter success

The 3rd Quarter reported increase in stock value. The economy has grown twice as fast the past few months... With businesses shrugging off fears of a recession. But is it the businesses or the people who aren't afraid of a recession?

Since 2007 American familes on average saved 3.6% of their income. This past quarter Americans only saved 2.4 percent of their income. Of course spending will stimulate our economy, but how long can people spend without worrying about their future? I don't believe trends like this past quarter will continue on because its just not realistic for people to spend money like this when their jobs are at stake.

This past quarter was a fluke and the next quarter for holidays will be weaker than normal. Then the first quarter of 2012 will be rather weak as well. But what this past quarter did prove was how much power the people do have to stimulate an economy.


Smith said...

What are savings represented as in the circular flow diagram? You discuss how the trend can't continue because people's jobs are at stake, aren't they always at stake?

Smith said...

What are savings represented as in the circular flow diagram? You discuss how the trend can't continue because people's jobs are at stake, aren't they always at stake?