Monday, November 14, 2011
Electric Cars on the Decline
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Fancy House
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Hurricane Katrina
Monday, October 31, 2011
Rangers and the World Series
3rd Quarter success
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The Cost of College
NBA Labor Problems
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Are you a 1 %er?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Soldier Homecoming
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
LOVE, what is love? Nobody knows but as men we know the cost of it. On that first date you want to take a girl out to the movies and dinner. Lets just stay yall are going to see Paranormal Activity 3, so that’s going to cost you about $18.00 bucks for the tickets plus popcorn and drinks which is another like $20.00 bucks. So that a total of $38.00 dollars off the top and if she is a sweet girl she would want some candy which is an addition $4.50. You’re spending out $42.50 and yall haven’t even made it to dinner yet. For dinner yall chose The Cheesecake Factory, yall order 2 meals, a drink, and 2 slices of cheesecake. That approximately add up to $55.50 dollars, spending a total of $98.00 dollars on your first date, a girl you don’t even know that well. Some might say that not a lot of money but when it coming out of your pocket it’s a lot of money. So when you driving her home you better hope she not in love with you. If it true love let’s just say yall get MARRIED who know how much weddings cost now and days. The average for a decent wedding is $24,000 dollars with is a major deduction in your wallet. Being in love with a girl is cool but it’s also costly.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Paying after the Slip
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Race for the Cure
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Facing Buffett
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Future of Apple
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dodging Bankruptcy
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Cell Phones
When it comes to cell phones, everybody has one now and days, whether it’s the Iphone or The Galaxy Samsung II. Everybody loves to have a phone but the cost of paying the bill is just a pain at least for me, my phone bill is $40 dollars a month. Its probably cheaper plans out there but paying $40 bucks every month has kind of became the norm for me, kind of like you buying $3 dollars and some change at the gas pump. To have a phone is a microeconomics, its an individual decisions to have one, you don’t have to call or text people you can find another way to communicate. We could use a computer and send emails or just send a hand written letter in the mail. I understand having a phone make life A LOT easier but in this down economy we’re in there are a lot of cut back made. People are going laid off their jobs, businesses are closing, and people are cutting back on stuff they really don’t need just to meet the budge. For example, if people need money to pay a bill they will could probably cut off there phone, there children’s phone, and if there in deep trouble they can cut off there whole family plan. So if you need stuff cut back on the items you don’t need, like your cellular phone, movies, and eating out. All of these thing are just elastic items that you really don’t need you just have them because there a luxury to you.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tent City, New Jersey
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Americas and Oil Companies
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Government Intervention on College Football Economy
“I think the situation is rising to a level where getting Congress engaged may be unavoidable.”This congressman believes that the government can intervene onconference realignment because of administrative issues regarding antitrust laws, taxes, and potentially Title IX. The problem with conference realignment is there will be athletic programs who will get left out and will be forced to play in a conference that doesn't receive an automatic BCS bowl bid for winning the conference championship. He also said
“If my school is somehow left out, my constituents are going to demand I do everything in my power to stop that.”
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
States Taxes and Spending
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 years later
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Cost Of Living
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Rising Gas Prices
Sunday, September 4, 2011
LongHorn Network and the Big 12 Meltdown
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Outside Help and Boosters
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Dirty Money at the U
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Is Apple Watching?
What looks to be like secret files on the iPhone that track user locations and log it on the device with out the users permission have been discovered. It is not very clear what the information is used for and why they have it yet though, but it is known that Apple has been collection data from their products with a 3G antenna for almost a year now.
Since this is very unclear this could be potentially very bad for Apple customers. Many people really trust Apple and are loyal customers, people also continue to buy their products simply because they trust Apple. This new information could jeopardize this though. Having data collected without the customer knowing is scary to many people. Customers weren't supposed to know about this, and now they aren't sure what it is being used for. This news could really hurt the company until they respond to all the questions. Temporarily, people may stop buying their products because they might feel as if they are being spied on. If they lose their customers, people may switch to the next best thing... the android. Studies show that the android is not using this technology to track their customers, and this might show a sense of security to many people and people may switch only for that reason. This news really can hurt Apple. It is the first negative comment I've really heard about the company, so it could really freak people out and start to question Apple more. This is going to lose customers' trust to the company and instead of Apple being the "it" technology company, they might turn into a sketchy company that people can't trust. This really has potential to hurt Apple.
The Masters: Golf's Crown Jewel Now Sells Tickets
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Economy Stinks for the Trash Industry
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Google to Spend Billions on War with Facebook
Monday, April 11, 2011
Fort Worth District could lose 553 jobs in cuts"Our primary goal has been, and remains, to make decisions in the best of our interest of our students and in so doing, preserve jobs," Superintendent Melody Johnson said in a message to staff.
To stop some of the teachers from being fired, they are being transferred to other schools and districts. Officials estimate that the job reduction could save $17 million. This is going to cut the funding for several years but what happens when, or if, the economy takes another drop? Will education keep decreasing in it's teachers? If this is the case, there is no way that education standards will stay the same.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Starbucks App
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
U.S. Seeks to Reassure on Contaminated Food
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Rangers Are Back
Monday, April 4, 2011
Obama Promises Tuition Tax Credit
Later in this speech, Obama shares his story of loan debt after marrying Michelle and taking many years to finally pay off this joint student debt. He also shares about a time he communicated with a dental hygenist student who falling into a deeper debt in paying for her school because she is having to pay $4 for a gallon of gas. Obama promises her, as well as every other college student in the world, that this time will pass and they will be able to afford, and finish, their schooling. According to this plan, Obama is going to cause a major increase in our national debt. Although, with people getting the money to afford college, we are going to see an increase in the job demands since there will be more degrees being accomplished. Obama has thought a very good plan in making people help the community by earning 100 hours to recieve the $4,000 but many people will begin to achieve this, if they haven't already."I was given love, and I was given support, but most importantly, I was given an education that put me on a pathway to my dreams. So was Michelle," states Obama during a speech.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
President Obama reelection bid
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Facebook Kicking off 20,000 Users a Day
Facebook is booting over 20,000 underage users a day. To be on Facebook you must be at least 13 years old, and over half of the 12 year olds out there are using a social networking site. If Facebook is losing only a tiny fraction of their 600 million users, then what is happening to the company from this loss and why are they booting off users?
Facebook treats every user on their site like an adult, they give them their own choices as to what they want the public to see or not to see. If something explicit happens to a child on Facebook or from Facebook, then Facebook could probably get sued. 13 year olds don't make the brightest choices, but they have a little bit more of a grip on what to post online than a 10 year old does. I think Facebook is trying to prevent something bad from happening to a younger kid.
Another thought that crossed my mind was that 20,000 people less a day will be seeing the advertisements on Facebook and that might effect other companies besides Facebook. Will other companies lose potential money from this?
As age increases, it is shown that more people are involved with a social networking site. With all the younger kids getting kicked off Facebook will that make it more or less popular when they are of age? I would expect that it would make some kids want to be on Facebook more since they would have to wait to get on it, but I can also imagine kids being against it since they weren't originally allowed on or they were kicked off. Another possibility is that maybe the younger generations are finding other social networking sites to be on. If this is so, then Facebook will have a competitor because those kids might not want to switch sites if all their friends are using a different site other than Facebook.
I think Facebook is definitely number one when it comes to social networking sites, but to the younger generations it might not be. They might think something else is the 'cool thing'.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Americans Cancel Trips to Japan Due to the Earthquake
Peggy Goodman informs us, "trips will resume before the end of May or beginning of June." Goodman is the president of Friendly Planet Travel in Pennsylvania who has yearly plans of tours going on in Japan. 727,000 visitors in Japan came from America last year, according to the tourism organization.
After the disaster occurred, the State Department sent warnings to the Americans to keep people from traveling to Japan since there was a shortage of water and food beginning to happen. Although the alerts end April 1, there are still many risk factors that may keep people from traveling. Many businesses are not operating in Japan right now because they're in recovery. Japan has many resources that we need every day and affects many major corporations we have. Japan has greatly impacted the entire world more than with just the economy. Japan moved 8 feet with this earthquake, it also moved the Earth 4 inches on it's axis. Although it may not seem like much, it has had a big affect. One life was lost in California and many people have been affected by either losing relatives in Japan or their jobs. It won't be long until we all see dramatic changes in our life involving money, oil prices and jobs.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The iPhone 5 Surprise: No Intel Inside
Monday, March 7, 2011
Drilling is not The Source of Parker County Water Contamination
Texas Railroad Commision hearing examiners declared that two Barnett Shale natural gas wells were not the soure of methane gas contamination of residential water wells in Parker County. These examiners believe that the source of the contamination is from a much shallower gas-bearing formation than the Barnett Shale, which is located more than a mile below ground level. The Railroad Commissioners are trying to find wells that are not contaminated so they can focus on other wells that are more dangerous. All these contaminations deal with methane, the primary ingredient in natural gas. All researchers hired by the EPA found the same results as the examiners. This result was that the contamination of the water wells was caused by methane. Since there is a scarce amount of uncontaminated water in these wells, the supply of clean water will decrease, therefore, the price of the water is going to increase as well as the demand. Clean water is a necessity in everyday life. We use water for showers, nutrition, hydration, etc. which creates a high demand for this product. Without this product, a catastrophe will evolve and slow down our economy well by well.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
iPad 2
It is kind of shocking that the iPad 2 is the same price as the original iPad because of the recent raise in gas prices. It is a common trend for other prices to rise as gas does but this is not the case. The question now is simply, why? Everything else right now in the economy is inflated except for this technological advance. Maybe this is a sign for a turn around in the economy since technology is one of the main drives for a successful economy.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Times Square Alliance Presents a Major Public art Exhibition at the Crossroads of the World

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Back to Land Lines? Cell Phones May Be Dead by 2015
All three devices depend on batteries that contain a very scarce natural metal called lithium. The price of lithium has drastically increased due to its scarcity. This price increase has many technology companies rethinking the use of a lithium battery because the budget calls for a much lesser equivalent. Also to make matters worse for lithium, studies have shown that the contents in the lithium battery negatively affect brain activity. Lithium is very hard to find and its scarce amounts have predicated its price increase. Countries that have an abundance of the metal have the ability to price it at whatever they would like. With the demand of the lithium battery going up, producers of these devices have no choice but to pay those outrageous prices if they want to keep business booming. This in turn causes those lithium driven devices' prices to be increased by the manufacturers because of the increase in the price to produce the product. Many products that require the lithium battery are beginning to explore other alternatives to the long lasting battery. Suppliers of lithium are under much pressure from the demand of this scarce product. These factors will continue to decrease the popularity of the cell phone.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Consumer Spending Changing Factories
Consumer spending takes up 70 percent of the economic activity in the United States. This percentage is being affected by the rising gasoline and food prices. With the people's money being taken from buying the necessity of gas, they're not having as much money for their wants. The consumers will have to rethink their spending when they have to use more of their income for gasoline and food which are needs because they need gas and food in order to keep working for money. As the prices of gasoline keep increasing, the factory demands will go down because the people are not making more money. A steady pay will not allow the consumers to change the way they spend their income. Unemployment in the factories could occur as the gas prices raise.;_ylt=A0LEaoAr92tNGygAk0qyBhIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJmaWUwNDBoBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMjI4L3VzX3VzYV9lY29ub215BGNwb3MDMgRwb3MDNgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNjb25zdW1lcnNwZW4-
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Voting on Facebook for American Idol
So Facebook has finally offered American Idol a secure way to vote online. Each viewer can log on to their Facebook account and vote up to 50 times. People can still vote via text message or phone calls as well. This means people will have an additional 50 votes. This could really impact the votes on the show and change things up a bit.
If people are voting on Facebook it might influence their friends to vote too since they could see in on their profiles or news feed. It might even make people who don't watch the show, want to start watching it because they want to be involved with the online voting on Facebook with the rest of their friends. The Facebook voting will most likely increase the popularity of the show even more. Facebook is the biggest social network, and trends fly around like crazy on it. If this voting is advertised well, then the ratings for the show and the channel could increase greatly. If other shows realize that Facebook voting is helping the popularity of American Idol, then this might become more popular with other series as well. I think television shows could really benefit by this, by putting themselves on Facebook, and allowing their fans to vote, not only makes their friends want to do it as well, but it makes them feel special and involved which will make them want to watch the show more often. Ultimately, Facebook voting will gain more viewers for the show.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Alcohol Nutrition Facts Brewing a Stir
Monday, February 21, 2011
Rajasthan Minister Steps in to Save Tiger
"I felt disturbed when I saw what I had clicked. I went back to where I had seen the tigress first. I took some more close-ups and realized that blood was oosing out of the wound. I called up the divisional forest officer," said the minister.
The docter that took care of the tigress explained that it was a 4-inch-deep wound and if left unattended, the tigress would have died in two days. After a minor surgery, the tigress was able to be united with her cubs.
Minister Beena Kak gave up his time in order to save this tigress. This opportunity cost ended up saving this tigress' life. The doctor also gave up his time to save this tigress that was practically on their death bed if the maggots would have infected for any longer.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Boston Fundraising
This could be used as a prime example of the business cycle. The visit that Obama is making could be considered as an injection because of the amount of money used to put on the event. But in return of the fundraising money, it could be considered a leakage. Although it is going to one specific cause and not just the government itself, it is relevant to the fact that the business cycle works in all ways of economics. The money supply of it all could be another factor to the monetary policy. It will go up and down on its line but time can only tell if money production of the fundraiser can raise money supply. I guess we will just have to see where this stuff takes us and wait for the business cycle and money supply to work its trend.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Costly gas fuels wholesale prices

New Way of Trading Cards

Monday, February 14, 2011
Falling U.S. War Budget in 2012
According to marketwatch, the Department Defense has proclaimed that they will reduce the spendings for the war in Iraq as the war slowly comes to an end. The process they choose to do this is by lowering the fiscal budget for 2012 since the 2011 fiscal budget which effectively froze spending this year at the 2010 level. The face value for the 2012 core budget was 1% growth above the 2011 budget.
"We expect growth to turn negative next year, which is why we remain cautious on defense," Spingarn said.
As the consumer is taxed by the fiscal policy, this money is then transferred to the government which is "spent" on the military as well as other things. Without this budget, the government uses the money at the President's and Congress' discretion which will affect the household and businesses. By bringing home the troops, the President will then use the same fiscal budget, which will become lowered, on things better for the consumer.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Christina Aguilera Fumbles National Anthem
Christina Aguilera tried to cover up her mistake by singing the rest of the song as best as she could causing the last note to be a little off on pitch. Such a tragic event could cause many Aguilera fans to stray away, also known as a change in consumer taste. This will decrease the demand for Christina's music unless she has true and loyal fans that stick by her side through all the pitches and mess ups. Music store managers may even make the decision to reduce their prices in Christina's previous cd's. Many fans may even substitute her music for another pop star, like Britney Spears.
"What so proudly we watched at the twilight's last gleaming"
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Wal-Mart's Challenge
Some customers were also complaing that Wal-Mart was not neat enough to enjoyably and safely shop around in. It became almost a hassle to do. What could this do to business that was already declining? How could Wal-Mart as a corporate wide company fix the pleasure of their guests? Their answer was to make changes within the store itself. A few things such as widening the aisles and removing clutter made the customer's trip to Wally world much more enjoyable. There was a high demand for these renovations and in return, their revenue went up. Customers started to come back and shop more and more at Wal-mart than other stores with the same goods. Things started to rise again, but not their prices.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Google Art Project
So the art world is making huge step with the new Google Art Project. Google is using it's street view technology and finally bringing it inside for the first time. 17 different museums are included in this project, London's Tate, New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) and also Metropolitan Museum. The new technology allows people to virtually tour the museums and even look at one of the 1,060 pieces art work close up. The museums have selected paintings to be photographed using gigapixel technology at a resolution of over 14 billion pixels, so you can see everything on the painting. This is phenomenal, it is opening up so many doors to many new viewers and the museums have said that it is actually bringing in more people because after viewing it online, they want to see the real thing. Since this is the case, people all over the world can experience fine art and hopefully go see the real thing. I think museums will greatly benefit from this.
I just took a virtual tour of the MoMA and I must say, I am blown away by this technology. It definitely urges me to go to the actual museum more though. I mean the quality of this is great, but now that I know what is inside, I would like to experience it up close and personal. I also took a look at the new gigapixel technology and looked at Vincent van Gogh's, "The Starry Night" and I can see everything down to the texture of the paint, to the strokes and colors he mixed. This new technology will definitely increase the popularity of the museums. I think they will all benefit from this very much.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Facebook's Focus in 2011 is Mobile Presence
The social networking giant, Facebook has proven itself to be highly successful on the web. As the mobile networks continue to improve their systems, so do the apps that they associate with. The innovation and improvements in technology have made it possible for more accessibility on their mobile devices. This increased accessibility will provide more revenue for Facebook as there will be a higher demand for their mobile app. 'Mobile usage of Facebook is the fastest-growing part of the social network', says Bret Taylor, the chief of technology at Facebook. With 200 million members, I'd say they're doing pretty well. Facebook still needs to improve their mobile app to make it more cohesive with the actual website and the Facebook network. That is where the new HTML5 web standard comes into play. This new web standard will improve the overall quality of Facebook and will fix many problems that users may have experienced previously with the app. This future expectation will certainly appeal to more consumers and will increase its membership. The demand for the Facebook app will increase. This will cause the availibility of the app to become more apparent because of the demand being so high. Facebook will see much revenue from this new web standard and will benefit greatly from it.