This new technology called Gorilla Glass, is actually something that is becoming more and more common. This is the glass that protects iPhones, Droids, Delll Streaks, and hundreds of other electronic devices. The glass technology was originally created in the 1960's, but thanks to all the recent inventions of smartphones, HD televesions, tablets, mp3 players and tablets, the glass finally has an application. With the increasing demand for damage resistant screens, this glass is becoming more and more popular. It is a perfect fit for our technology. This years sale for 2011 is expected to hit $1 billion.
With the higher demand for smartphones, tablets, lap tops and televisions, this glass will also be in a higher demand. The glass and the technology, compliment eachother. Before the technology was around, the Gorilla Glass didn't have a purpose, but now with our fast paced lives, our technology has to live up to it with us. I can see this glass becoming more and more popular with all the new technology. I'm sure as the new iPhone comes out, or even when it comes out with Verizon, the glass will be in a higher demand. The more technology grows, the more Gorilla Glass is needed.
Could this Gorilla Glass have other applications? If so, how could these affect the local, state, and national economies?
@ Smith
I think Gorilla Glass could have larger applicatoins. If it were used for windows in high-rises, and buildings cities could prevent damages to the buildings. It could even be used in cities that are near the coast that might be prone to hurricanes, or cities inland that are prone to tornadoes. I think in the long run, this could be a great change in the society, hopefully saving local, state, and national economies money on repair or reconstruction of damaged cities.
Is Gorilla Glass the only company making this certain type of glass at the moment? If so, the number of sellers greatly affects the demand for the product. However, as the demand for the glass increases along with the demand for technology that requires it, other companies may want to take part in the profits. If more sellers are added to the market, the demand for this specific brand will decrease.
Elizabeth that was a fabulous question and analysis. What parts of our economy lead to the fact that another company could enter the market. Does every economy afford this opportunity? What should another companies entry do to the market?
Since Gorilla Glass will soon become very popular with many different things. Other company's entry into the market will have an impact on the orginial company that started Gorilla Glass and other companies that have been selling it. If the other companies that bought it alter the product somehow, would there be a change in consumer taste, number of consumers, or both? If one company changed it to be eco-friendly and another made it different colors, how would that affect the original product? I think Gorilla Glass could become very useful for everyday life and help advance our technology.
With Gorilla Glass becoming more popular and touch screens becoming used in more and more devices will the market continue to grow? Will we see continue to see touch screens dominate the market or will there be something else that comes along that doesn't require Gorilla Glass? In other words without touch screens what use would we have for this product?
To Easton: I believe as technology advances touch screens will become the only type of user accessibility we use. Everything technological will be used with a touch screen feature and for now this seems like a perfect scenario for Gorilla Glass and it's popularity but in the next ten years I predict that a new idea for how we use a touch screen will be developed. Imagine a paper thin tablet with different tabs like an internet browser, one tab controls your television, the other your thermostat, another your email. Everything is going to come together in the technological world just like nature. One day we will control everything in our live with one paper thin computer that we can fold up and put in our pocket. And that means Gorilla Glass will be out of the picture in the technology market.
@ Zach & Easton,
I really like your idea Zach, you made an awesome point. I can see this happening in the future. Gorilla Glass, will be sticking around for awhile because it's not just used for touch screens. So yes, I think Gorilla Glass would still have a purpose with out touch screens. It is such a strong glass, that I think one day people will start using it for windows, or for high-rises, or even glass tables. I can see this glass being very versatile.
I agree with Zach that touch screens right now are the top product and everybody wants them. When the iPhone came out using a touch screen, verizon and other cell phone companies had to come up with a way to make a similar phone to meet competitors. Thats when the blackberry and other phones started using touch screens. Eventually we will get away from touch screens maybe phones that only will use voice commands.
This is an interesting idea, if the world catches on to the idea of Gorilla Glass it could become an even bigger hit than it is now. I agree with Lindsay when she said the glass could eventually be used for buildings and hurricane protection. With the continuing use and eventual expansion of use of this product, I believe the economy of the nation could potentially be saved. If this idea ends up being used for buildings all across the nation, it could save the country's money for repair. In turn providing more money to people's salaries boosting the economy.
I agree that the improvement of technology, such as the smart phones, is increasing the demand for certain items like gorilla glass. I feel that companies will start realizing how great the demand is for gorilla glass and this will influence them to create something even better. However, Apple makes some of their profit from people coming in with their cracked phones wanting to purchase a new one. If they start to use gorilla glass, which is supposed to be unbreakable, they will lose some of their profit. People will not have a high demand to purchase new phones because their phones will not be able to break. However, the other idea that gorilla glass can become enhanced and be able to be used on buildings could really help our economy. Buildings in small natural disasters that would normally get ruined could be saved. This is helping the economy because they won't have to spend money on fixing them. They can put their money somewhere else that is necessary. Gorilla glass is a great creation that came in demand with technology and can still be expanded to help our economy.
@Bri Sharp, I agree that Apple makes some money off of people coming in to replace their broken iPhones, however mostly people replace their phones because the newest and best has comeout again and their own phone is now old news.
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